The MICRO QUEST Network is a free online platform on which education providers can showcase their micro-credential offers and exchange new insights as well as opinions.

The network unites entities across Europe under a shared Memorandum of Understanding concerning the quality standards of micro-credentials in vocational education and training.



About Micro-Credentials

The European Approach to Micro-Credentials (2021) defines them as follows:

A micro-credential is the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. These learning outcomes have been assessed against transparent and clearly defined standards.
Courses leading to micro-credentials are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labour market needs.
Micro-credentials are owned by the learner, can be shared and are portable. They may be standalone or combined into larger credentials. They are underpinned by quality assurance following agreed standards in the relevant sector or area of activity.

Micro-Credential Platforms

Micro-Credentials can be obtained in virtual learning environments. Below, a selection of micro-crecentials platforms are presented and linked.

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