Wilfried Frei
CONEDU, Association for Research and Media in Education and Training, is a registered Austrian NGO/NPO (AT) that serves as a central hub for professionalisation by providing information and knowledge about adult education (AE) and facilitating digital professional development for adult educators. It acts as the editorial office for the AE portal https://erwachsenenbildung.at and runs large scale training programmes such as https://ebmooc.at. The internet portal https://erwachsenenbildung.at as a key structure for those services is aimed at AE professionals and individuals interested in education which is well established as a prominent resource within the Austrian AE sector beginning from 2005.
CONEDUs reputation extends internationally, with contributions to networks and media such as EPALE and contributions to European cooperation as coordinator and partner. Beyond that we deliver research based consultancy to AE providers in areas like innovation, curriculum development, quality development and training of trainers. Through these efforts, CONEDU actively supports the professionalisation of adult education by providing learning opportunities and services tailored to the specific needs of adult educators. Our stakeholders, customes and partners are public authorities like ministries, associations for AE, providers of AE and organisations in the wider area of lifelong learning.
In 2020 CONEDU was awarded the prestigious Prize for innovation in adult education by the German institute for adult education (DIE) for the EBmooc massive-open-online-course as a learning and education programmes that helps trainers in adult and continuing education to become digitally fit. CONEDU has 13 professionals employed, all of them with a university degree (Adult Education, Psychology, Political Philosophy, German Literature, Project and Process Management, Media Technics and Human Geography).