
Network Member


  • Business and Management
  • Education
  • Information Technology and Computer Science
  • Other
DoxyChain provides secure software for the issuance and management of micro-credentials.
Our fully compliant, all-in-one platform allows Universities to:
- issue micro-credentials,
- e-sign them,
- manage them in real-time (eg. revoking, suspending),
- distribute them to students by transferring the ownership,
- store them in students' digital wallets,
- verify the validity and authenticity of micro-credentials.
We created our own, proprietary blockchain that is specialized for document management purposes. This approach ensures scalability, cost predictability, and transparency of the solution. We work with Polish universities on introducing micro-credentials to their offer and issue credentials in a secure, decentralized way.

I, as co-founder and CEO of DoxyChain, am working closely with Polish Universities and policymakers on creating a unified approach to micro-credentials that is compliant with EU norms, effective and meeting the market standards.
Our Micro-Credential offer:
At DoxyChain, we are leading technological innovation, partnering with universities across Poland to modernize higher education. We aim to integrate with the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) to help universities join the European network for micro-credentials.

Our current and future actions fall down to these categories:

Integration with EBSI:
We want to ensure secure that universities using our blockchain-based solution can participate in European network for micro-credentials. We believe in transborder verifiability, credibility and portability of micro-credentials, increasing recognition and acceptance by employers and educational institutions.

Providing support to the universities in the development of micro-credentials and promotion of lifelong learning:
As the regulatory landscape isn’t very unified yet, there’s a need for education on micro-credentials and the promotion of such approaches among policymakers, learners, professionals, and Universities. We do that by providing our learnings, connecting academic leaders, and collaborating with industry experts (such as EFMD) and academic institutions to design and deliver courses that meet workforce requirements.

Collaboration and Networking:
We want to establish partnerships with other European universities and educational platforms to exchange best practices and innovative solutions in micro-credentialing, as we believe that micro-credentials can bring a change only when there’s a dialog between providers.

We are committed to the new European micro-credential system and aim to contribute to its success. Our vision is to equip learners with the skills and knowledge they need for a dynamic job market, while helping universities transition to more flexible and responsive educational models.