In 2021, European micro-credentials have been anchored in The European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan (European Commission 2021).
In detail, micro-credentials are mentioned as follows:
Empowering individuals to participate in learning throughout their lives and careers also requires rethinking policies. As set out in the 2020 Skills Agenda, entitlements in the form of individual learning accounts can put Europeans in the driving seat of their careers, while unlocking the financial means to participate in training. Accompanied by well-designed quality frameworks, as well as guidance and validation of skills, they can play an important role. Innovative instruments like micro-credentials can facilitate flexible learning pathways and support workers on their job or during professional transitions. More emphasis on training in collective agreements between social partners can improve access to quality training opportunities at the workplace, including for apprenticeships.
Below, there is the infographic of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
(Source of text and image: